Mind 4 Survival

⭐ "This book is a GAME CHANGER for anyone who wants to be prepared without the paranoia." – Verified Amazon Review

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Mind 4 Survival

⭐ "This book is a GAME CHANGER for anyone who wants to be prepared without the paranoia." – Verified Amazon Review

*International Buyers: Click Here

Here's Some of What's Inside the Book...



Inside the book, you'll discover how to:

• Keep you and your family safe without wasting time and money.

• Jump-start your preparedness and feel better prepared for whatever happens so that you can take care of yourself and your loved ones when it matters most.

• Reduce your anxiety and overwhelm by empowering your mindset so that you can lead a less stressful, more enjoyable life.

• Develop the situational awareness needed to seize the opportunities and avoid problems so that you don't have to feel scared walking to your car.

• Save time and money by using a metrics-based, non-doom-and-gloom, confidence-building approach to effectively managing your risk so you know that you're doing the right thing.

• Get prepared, not scared, so that you can live a life …

… and much more!

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What People Are Saying...

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Discover Brian Duff's Confidence Building Preparedness Mindset For Living Your Best Possible Life.

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How To Start Prepping **FREE** Guide + Checklist

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Mind4Survival Best Seller Alert!

Discover Brian Duff's Confidence Building Preparedness Mindset For Living Your Best Possible Life.



Preparedness Boot Camp

Learn How to Keep Your Family Safe In Our 6 Week Online Preparedness Course.

The Chapters...

Mind4Survival Foundation of Preparedness

1: The Foundation of Preparedness

Factors of Success

2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

We discuss that while slightly flawed, Maslow’s original pyramid still provides immense value because the biological requirements for human survival must largely be provided and maintained before other needs. Similarly, when it comes to preparedness or lack of it, the desire to avoid thinking about and facing crisis can almost surely result in unnecessary struggle and difficulty...

~Brian Duff

3: Mindset—The Most Important Fundamental

The Human Condition

4: Bias—The Line Between Perspective and Reality

Minimize Cognitive Bias

5: Situational Awareness and Decision-Making

How to Improve Situational Awareness Sign

6: Survival—A Needs Based Approach

The Survival Pyramid

7: Safety—Managing Risk and Opportunity

Metrics Based Rick Management

8: Self—Eight Truths to Live Your Best Life Possible

    1. Know, Love, and Live Your Core Values
    2. Embrace Your Struggle
    3. You Define Your Success
    4. Understand and Acknowledge What You're
      Preparing For
    5. Prepare for the Aftermath
    6. Know What to Do When Life Gets Hard
    7. Practice Empathy, Grace, and Vulnerability
    8. Take Action!

Get Prepared, Not Scared!

3 Red Arrows Pointing Down

About The Author

I'm Brian Duff, the Author of Mind 4 Survival.

My lifelong preparedness journey began on the eve of my third birthday when the 1971 6.6-magnitude San Fernando Earthquake rocked my family's Southern California home.

As a Los Angeles Lifeguard, I saved my first life at 16. Since then, I've spent decades working around the globe—protecting others in some of the most dangerous areas imaginable.

Through those experiences, I learned from some of the best, survived some of the worst, and, in so doing, developed my Mind4Survival philosophy.

My philosophy emphasizes building confidence through increased knowledge and a positive mindset—reducing anxiety, fear, and worry.

The Mind4Survival approach focuses on empowering individuals to take proactive steps to ensure their safety and that of their loved ones, with the ultimate goal of living their best possible life, regardless of the situation.

Brian's Experience & Qualifications

  • Founder of Mind4Survival in 2016
  • Responded to 1000s of emergency calls as a firefighter and paramedic
  • Served as Special Operations team leader with the Army Rangers
  • Operated medical clinics in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan
  • Provided high-threat diplomatic protection in Iraq and Pakistan
  • Protected U.S. diplomats, congressional representatives, and a future President.
  • Worked with a team of advisors to a rebel army in Africa
  • Managed the guard force at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad
  • Led a $1B+ international security program
  • Directed a nationally recognized tactical medicine training company
  • Bachelor's Degree in Security Management
  • Master of Business Administration (Information Technology Management)
  • Dozens of preparedness-related certifications