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Unlock the Power of Preparedness!

Gain Peace of Mind with Our FREE Resource Library

Get Your 45 FREE Preparedness Manuals & Reports Today!

Weapons of Mass Destruction Manuals in a pile
A library full of EMP manuals
Unconventional Warfare Manuals
Intelligence and Psy-Ops Manuals
Manuals about shelters
Medical Manuals
Terrain-Specific Manuals
Text that says "More Coming Soon"

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Can You Relate to Any of These?

  • The need to balance everyday life with preparedness efforts often leads to a sense of being overwhelmed, making it hard to maintain focus and direction.
  • You lie awake at night, worried about protecting your family and loved ones in an ever-changing world.
  • You grapple with the challenge of budgeting for emergency preparedness.
  • The thought of navigating through complex scenarios without clear guidance leaves you feeling uncertain and unprepared.
  • You're striving to cultivate a resilient mindset but often find yourself hindered by a barrage of conflicting advice.
  • The challenge of locating reliable preparedness information and techniques feels like a never-ending task.
  • You yearn for practical guidance to enhnace your capability, moving beyond theoretical knowledge to real-world application.
Photo of Brian standing at entrance to a underground bunker.

I get it, I’ve been there!

When I first had my "Ah-ha" preparedness moment in the pre-Internet 1980s, I had no idea what I was doing or where to start. But I knew the information was out there—somewhere.

It wasn't easy. Through many sleepless nights, countless trips to the library, and a lot of costly mistakes, I finally began assembling the information I needed to help me become more safe, confident and self-reliant.

…and my efforts paid off

I went from an anxious, clueless, unprepared novice to becoming a firefighter-paramedic, Army Ranger, running remote medical clicnics in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, high-threat diplomatic security specialist, working as an advisor to a rebel army, overseeing the guard force at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, directing the premiere tactical medical education and training facility in the U.S., and hosting one of the highest-rated preparedness podcasts.

Brian in Panama with his squad of Rangers at the Jungle Operations Training Center.
Brian in Africa
Brian Working on Patient

That’s Why I Created
the FREE Resource Library

I want to remove guesswork and high-cost from becoming more safe, confident and prepared so you can fulfill your mission to protect yourself and your loved ones when it matters most.

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Act Now: Your Path to the Free Resource Library Awaits!

🌟 Exclusive Limited-Time Benefits:

  • Immediate access to over 40 essential survival PDFs across 7 crucial categories.
  • Get regular additions to the ever-expanding Free Resource Library, ensuring you're always at the forefront of preparedness.
  • Special access to expert insights and strategies, equipping you to prepare with confidence.

The Clock is Ticking!
This offer is only available for a short period. Delaying means missing out on the chance to equip yourself with knowledge that could be vital in a crisis. Don't let procrastination leave you unprepared.

🚫 Don’t Be Left Behind
Those who act now secure their peace of mind and a position of readiness. Missing out on this offer isn't just missing out on creating your own resource library. It's overlooking the opportunity to be among the best-prepared individuals in challenging times

 Take Control of Your Future Today

The decision you make right now could define your preparedness for years to come. Secure your access to the Free Resource Library today and step into a world of confidence and readiness.

Your journey to empowerment starts here – but only if you act now!

The Free Resource Library

You'll have instant access to the entire library. Then, as new additions are released, you'll receive downloadable links to your email!

Library Resources:

9 Weapons of Mass Destruction Manuals

7 US Government Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Reports

 9 Unconventional Warfare Manuals

7 Terrain-Specific Operations Manuals

6 Intelligence and Psychological Operations Manuals

5 Shelter Manuals

5 Medical Manuals

Free Resource Library of Manuals Image
Weapons of Mass Destruction Manuals in a pile
A library full of EMP manuals
Unconventional Warfare Manuals
Intelligence and Psy-Ops Manuals
Manuals about shelters
Medical Manuals
Terrain-Specific Manuals
Text that says "More Coming Soon"

Don't Be Caught Unprepared!

Get Your Access to the Free Resource Library Today!

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