Peak Refuel: Freeze-Dried Taste Test

With inflation continuing to rise and the recent “accidents” that have plagued food processing facilities, shortages of food are starting to become common in some areas. I have personally noticed shortages of produce and meat where I live. Part of a good survival plan needs to include storable food for the long haul or emergencies. Without food or water, you won’t last very long, and those who think they can forage/hunt to survive will be in for a rude awakening.
I like to diversify my long-term food planning, and I’m always on the hunt for different brands to try. Mountain House is one of the best-known out there, along with Ready Hour. During a recent trip to REI, I decided to try a meal from Peak Refuel, a company out of American Fork, Utah. I decided to try Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli (with rice included) and report my findings to help readers make an informed purchase.
Peak Refuel uses 100% real meat and premium ingredients. They are made to rehydrate quicker and use less water than their competitors. The meal is two servings and weighs 6.70 ounces unopened. The meals can be cooked in the pouch or a pan. All you need is boiling water. I made the meal on the stove in a pan, and it only took 10 minutes to be ready.
Peak Refuel Taste Test
The food rehydrated quickly and tasted great. There were no hard pieces of meat that didn’t rehydrate fully. The texture was good; even picky eaters should be happy with this product. The sauce wasn’t gritty like some brands. Overall taste was good, in my opinion, not overpowering but not bland. Unlike other brands that make that claim, it was a true two-portion meal. I was full but not bloated from the sample
portion. I put the rest in a container for the leftover test. I waited two days and reheated the leftovers for lunch. And I’m happy to report no changes to taste or texture. It tasted just as good as when I made it.
If you have served in the military, you probably ate MREs in the field and know how they can bind one up and cause indigestion. Freeze-dried foods can also cause that depending on the person. The Peak Refuel passed like regular food for me. So, if that is a concern, you might want to try Peak Refuels products.
The Stats
Peak Refuel Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli details:
- Servings per pouch: 2
- 52 grams of protein
- 1090 calories
- 10.5 ounces of water required for preparation
- 163 calories per ounce
- Prep time: 10 minutes
- Good Portions. I have tried a two-portion Mountain House meals that couldn’t feed two adults, in my opinion.
- Lower sodium content compared to other brands.
- Tasted good
- Easy to make
- Didn’t need a lot of water.
- Lightweight and easy to pack if you are on foot or storage is at a premium.
- Made and packaged in the USA
- $13.99 MSRP might be pricey for those on a budget. The taste and quality make up for that, in my opinion. Peak Refuel does offer multi-packs on its site at a slight discount.
- Five-year shelf life for best taste. In my experience, most freeze-dried foods can go longer. For long-term plans, this could be a factor for some. I plan to purchase and use this brand for winter power outages and hiking/camping. Other companies have a twenty-five-year shelf life.
Overall, my experience with Peak Refuel was positive. I have no complaints except for the price, and I understand quality does cost money. And after testing it, I can justify the cost. If you are on the fence, I recommend buying a couple and trying them out before buying in bulk.
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Organic ingredients? Non GMO ingredients? (or whatever term is being used these days for genetically enhanced / farmed foods?) Lab created meats or plant foods?
These are things preppers WANT to know…. WHAT exactly are we putting in our bodies that will not poison us.
Meh. Make your own. Invest in a dehydrator and a vac-sealer. If you’re making meals like this the things will pay for themselves in no time.