Why Prepare? 7 Reasons You Should Be Prepping

A woman going over her preparedness supplies.

As preparedness-minded people, we prepare for opportunities. Yes, we prepare for hard times that many see as being Doom and Gloom. After all, it's not like the show “Doomsday Preppers” has the most cheerful name.

Sadly, because the mainstream media promoted a negative opinion of people who prepare, many people now avoid preparing. They do not want to be associated with the prepping community, or they are convinced by the mainstream bias that there's no need to prepare.

Since you're here and have made it this far into this post, you probably believe one of two things.

Basic Beliefs

First, you may believe in the need to prepare and are here reading this to expand your preparedness mindset and ability.

If that's not you, then there's a good chance something put the bug into your thoughts about getting better prepared. So, after a quick Google search, here you are reading a post titled “Why prepare?”

In the end, most people who prepare understand that there are times when bad things happen to us. They also know that preparing provides the insurance we need to ensure that we and our loved ones overcome the difficult times that happen.

7 Reasons You Should Be Prepping

"Be prepared" street sign

1. Unexpected Emergencies

Being prepared can help you be ready for any unforeseen emergencies.

Job loss, for example, can be devastating if you're not prepared. If you've been unemployed, even for a short time, you know how quickly money can become tight.

Likewise, an ill-timed illness, injury, or vehicle problem will be easier to resolve because preparedness allows for increased flexibility in responding to issues.

Being prepared in today's uncertain world can give you peace of mind, knowing that you and you're family are prepared for whatever life throws your way.

2. Helping Others

In today's world, it's more important than ever to be prepared for anything. That's why prepping is such a great thing. Not only does prepping help you and your family be self-sufficient, but it also means you can help others in their time of need.

Imagine if a natural disaster struck and your family was able to help your friends and loved ones because you were prepared. Or what if you had extra food stashed away and could share it with your neighbors?

Being prepared doesn't mean you're selfish or a hoarder. It means you're smart, responsible, and strategic. So, if you're not already prepping, now is the time to start. Your family, friends, and loved ones will thank you for it.

3. Economic Disaster

Being prepared during economic hardship can help you weather the financial storm. When inflation rates rise, or the economy collapses, those who have prepared ahead of time will be in a much better position than those who have not.

Storing food and supplies away in advance of difficult financial times is the right thing to do. Having an emergency food supply stored in your pantry can keep your family happy and living as normal of a life as possible when life throws you a curve ball.

Likewise, unforeseen expenses can also be difficult to handle during an economic crisis. Having an emergency fund can prevent you from going into debt or putting your hard-earned assets at risk.

4. Failing Infrastructure

"be prepared" on computer screen

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of power outages and other infrastructure failures. This has led many people to become more interested in self-reliance and emergency preparedness.

Being prepared can be a great way to protect yourself and your family during infrastructure failures. When disaster strikes, having supplies on hand can help you weather any storm, whether it's a literal hurricane or a figurative one.

Being prepared can also help you feel calm and confident during difficult times. Knowing that you have the resources you need to get by can help make a stressful situation much less stressful.

5. Natural Disasters

While being prepared is often seen as a negative thing, it is actually one of the best things you can do.

After all, natural disasters seem to be more common, with catastrophic events routinely in the headlines. Wildfires, freezes, storms, hot weather, earthquakes, etc., can lead to significant power outages and problems in society.

Being prepared with a plan and some basic supplies can mean the difference between being able to weather the storm or struggling. So next time someone snickers at you for being prepared, take it as a compliment. It just might save your life one day.

6. Human-Caused Disasters

With the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, along with a general heightened global tension–a large-scale cyber-attack, nuclear war, terrorism, and corruption are all genuine threats.

That's where being prepared comes in.

People who prepare tend to be self-reliant and resourceful, which is precisely the kind of attitude needed during these anxiety causing times. Preparedness-minded people are also usually situationally more in tune with what's happening in the world. As a result, they're more ready if things go bad.

7. Seize Opportunities

Person standing on top of mountain

Preparing for bad times sets you up not only to weather the storm but also to seize opportunities that arise. That's a great position to be in.

Being prepared is about more than just having the right first aid kit. It's also about being mentally and emotionally ready to make the most out of each day.

When you're not constantly worrying about the what-ifs, you're calm, confident, and empowered.

So go out and live your best life, knowing you're prepared for whatever comes your way.

Additional Resources:


Stay safe,

This is Brian Duff's signautre

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  1. Rusty on July 24, 2022 at 6:59 pm

    After testing positive for Covid, we self-quarantined for the 2 week minimum. Excellent chance to test out our stockpiles. Our biggest quandary? What to have for dinner each night, and what to watch on the tube.

    • Brian Duff on July 27, 2022 at 9:57 am

      Ha! Preparedness at its finest. Congrats on being prepped! ~Brian

  2. fast eddie on July 28, 2022 at 3:33 pm

    Helping others is an interesting dynamic. Many folks say they will never give away any preps even to the point of shooting those that insist on trespassing to ask for food. There are also those who have the ability to prepare but say “I will just come to your house”. Why should I spend my hard earned money while you vacation in the Med? My Christian upbringing says to help those who are less fortunate than you. I have a plan with my neighbor who is a minister at a local church. As we are booth prepared, we agreed to help people by sending the to the church for a meal. We then give food to the church. Its easier to get folks to help manage and secure food at the church. Kinda like the Stone Soup story. Whatever you decide to do, like so many other things when you prepare, make a plan ahead of time. Know what you are going to do and then do it.

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