Maintaining Hygiene and Sanitation During an Emergency

A woman with a backpack washing her hands in river

Maintaining hygiene and sanitation during an emergency is vital to health and well-being—especially during a prolonged disaster. Cleanliness can become a challenge when resources are scarce, yet it remains a crucial defense against disease and infection. Here are some practical tips for upholding hygiene standards during such times. Water Supply and Purification A steady supply…

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Planning for Special Needs in Preparedness: A Helpful Guide

A cute special needs girl with painted fingers.

When planning for special needs in preparedness, it’s vital to consider the unique needs of individuals with special needs. This group includes people with physical and mental disabilities, young children, and elderly individuals. Proper planning can make a significant difference in ensuring everyone’s safety and well-being during a crisis. Understanding the Needs Understanding people’s specific…

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Emergency Shelter Options That Could Save Your Life!

A person sheltering in her car.

An important aspect of preparedness is having adequate shelter to protect you and your family from the environment and the biting, stinging, and dangerous things within it. When disaster strikes and your shelter (aka or home) becomes unsafe, having a reliable emergency shelter is crucial for you and your loved ones. This article covers various…

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TOP 21 Items to STOCKPILE Now – Get Ready Today!

21 Items to Stockpile on a Table

Today, I’m discussing the Top 21 essential items every preparedness-minded person should have in their stockpile. Whether you’re just starting or looking to fill gaps in your existing supplies, this list will help you cover all your bases. 1. Lighters Fire is a fundamental element of survival. Lighters, especially BIC lighters, are reliable and easy…

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Personal Safety: How to Develop a Self-Defense Mindset

The word "Self-Defense" written in steel.

Understanding personal safety and self-defense goes beyond physical techniques. The foundation of self-defense, as with all preparedness, is mindset. Developing this mindset can make all the difference in staying safe and ready to deal with any situation. Here’s how to cultivate a strong self-defense mindset and why it’s vital. Confidence and Mental Preparedness Confidence is…

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Situational Awareness: Staying Alert and Staying Safe

Situational awareness is the foundation of personal safety and preparedness. It involves recognizing and understanding what is happening around you to identify potential threats and opportunities and respond accordingly. This skill is essential for everyone, from the military and law enforcement to women nervously walking alone through a parking lot at night. Understanding Situational Awareness…

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Water Purification and Storage: Essential Steps for Preparedness

Water splashing out of a glass

Water is fundamental to life, making storage and purification a key element in any family’s preparedness plan. Having a reliable water supply can significantly affect how well you face a natural disaster or other unexpected emergencies. This article outlines practical strategies for storing and purifying water, ensuring you and your family remain hydrated and healthy…

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Basic First Aid Skills for Preparedness

A person practicing CPR.

Preparedness isn’t just about stockpiling supplies. It’s also about equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills to use your supplies effectively. Basic first aid is essential for anyone serious about being prepared. In this article, I’ll cover fundamental first-aid skills everyone should know. As an experienced paramedic, I’ve seen firsthand how these skills can save…

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The Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer

A woman with here concealed carry firearm in her purse.

In this insightful episode, I welcome Rachel Moss, a seasoned criminal defense attorney from Arizona specializing in self-defense law. Rachel, an attorney with the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, provides a deep dive into the often misunderstood world of self-defense law. Here’s a breakdown of our conversation, filled with invaluable insights and practical advice. Disclaimer:…

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How to Make Your Home More Safe and Secure

A person protecting their home.

Creating a secure and safe home environment is an essential preparedness step for any homeowner. This article will discuss how to make your home safe and secure, ensuring it becomes a haven for you and your loved ones. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be ready to face a variety of scenarios confidently, knowing your home…

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