Exploring Home with Chris Weatherman (Angery American)

Bookcover photo of Exploring Home by Angery American
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In this podcast episode, I sit down with Chris Weatherman, host of the Angery American Nation podcast and well-known author of over 23 published works, including the popular series, The Survivalist. Chris joined me live from the swamps of Louisiana, where he and his wife are enjoying some time in their RV while waiting for some truck repairs to be completed.

You'll hear all about the terrible arson that took place on his property, destroying significant amounts of his long-term prepper supplies along with multiple buildings, vehicles, and large equipment. Find out what lessons they learned from the experience and how they plan to alter the layout of the property during the rebuild.

I asked Chris what his biggest concerns are looking forward, and his answer was two-fold. Equally concerned by the economy and the potential for civil conflict, we compare notes on what we have been watching unfold across the globe and what we view as potential flashpoints for 2024.

Situational awareness and the ability to blend in as a gray man will be increasingly important as information becomes harder and harder to verify. At the same time, at what point do Americans begin to stand up for our individual liberties?

We also take a hard look at some of the ways artificial intelligence will affect how we are forced to process information in the future, from movies to politics to court evidence.

Hoping for a sneak peek into Angery American's latest novel in The Survivalist series? Exploring Home is scheduled for release on November 21, 2023. Before we close, he gives listeners an inside look into his writing process and how Exploring Home is a transitional volume in the ongoing saga. You can pre-order or purchase it here.

Stay safe,

This is Brian Duff's signautre

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