Common Prepping Struggles

A woman sitting in her living room, surrounded by prepping supplies, trying to figure out what to do with everything.

Preparing for potential emergencies or disasters is a lifestyle that requires individuals to be self-sufficient and ready for any situation. From natural disasters to economic hardships, prepping is about being prepared for the unexpected. However, the preparedness journey is not without its struggles.  This article dives into the top challenges that preppers face and provides…

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SHTF Is Inside Your OODA Loop: What Do You Do?

Mindset is important when you face unexpected challenges

I recently had a great conversation with Grump from Grumpy Acres Farm’s YouTube channel about the OODA Loop and how it relates to stress and decision-making. The OODA Loop, which stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, is a decision-making process often used in the military, law enforcement, etc. However, it also applies to everyday…

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167: My Esoteric View of Prepping with Grumpy Acres Farm

Grumpy Acres Farm Podcast Episode Featured Image

Hey, fellow all you amazing survival-minded people! Join me in this episode as I dive into the preparedness world with none other than Grumpy from the renowned Grumpy Acres Farm YouTube channel. Grumpy kicks off the conversation by delving into my unique perspective on prepping, characterized by an esoteric view that emphasizes the power of…

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New York Subway Death (What it Means for Prepping)

New York Subway Death Accused Daniel Penny

It’s not a mystery that there is an increase in violence in our country. What’s also not a mystery is that everyone is at an increased risk due to increased violence. With that, this article is going to look at the recent tragedy that took place on a New York City subway, along with some…

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Prepper Camp with Rick Austin

Prepper Camp Logo

I first attended Prepper Camp in 2017 and had a fantastic time. If you’re into preparedness, and since you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume that you are, Prepper Camp is the event for you! With that, read on and learn about this awesome event! What Is Prepper Camp? Prepper Camp is an annual…

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Ensuring a Safe Off-Grid Water Supply

Water Barrels in the Desert

Lyle, a Mind4Survival reader, sent me this question: “I just purchased an off-grid cabin in Northern Arizona that hasn’t been lived in for five years or more.  A local company hauls water to this and other parcels, and we have two empty containers for water, one of about 400 gallons and the other of about…

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Prepper Pantry: A Practical Guide to Stocking Your Kitchen

Person in Their Prepper Pantry

A well-stocked prepper pantry is essential in today’s uncertain world of societal turmoil, economic strife, and kinetic geo-political gamesmanship. Whether it’s natural disasters, power outages, or economic disruptions, having a well-stocked pantry also provides long-term security and peace of mind. The purpose of this article is to provide a practical guide to stocking your kitchen…

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Crisis Communication Plan (The What, Why, and How)

Emergencies can happen at any time, and they often strike without warning. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a medical emergency, or a security threat, having a plan in place can make all the difference in keeping you and your loved ones safe. That’s why every household needs a crisis communication plan. What is a Crisis…

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Potassium Iodide: A Nuclear Survival Kit Must Have

Potassium Iodide Tablets and Nuclear Explosion in the Background

As tensions between nuclear-armed countries continue to rise, it’s becoming increasingly important for preppers to include nuclear war survival supplies in their emergency kits. One such supply that is essential to have on hand is Potassium Iodide (KI). The world is edging ever closer to a nuclear attack, if not an all-out nuclear war. Tensions…

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