Don’t Hunker Down Without These Bug In Essentials

Here are some additional bug in essentials that are good to have on hand

When it comes to sheltering in place, there are certain bug in essentials that will make you safer and more comfortable. While some folks have elaborate bug-out plans, many emergencies are best weathered by hunkering down at home.

Let's look beyond the basic necessities.

Bug In Essentials to Keep You Safer and More Comfortable

What items aside from the prepping basics should every prepper have for staying home? While it may seem frivolous, staving off boredom and keeping spirits high is incredibly important and will keep the entire family happier.

Need some ideas? Keep reading.

Battery Operated Carbon Monoxide Detector

A carbon monoxide alarm is a bug in essential. If the power is out, you may be using alternative means to cook and stay warm. This increases the possibility that deadly carbon monoxide could fill your home.

When there's too much carbon monoxide in the room, your blood replaces oxygen cells with carbon monoxide. The result is carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas, so many people don't realize they're being affected. Here are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, as per the Mayo Clinic:

  • Dull headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of consciousness

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a life-threatening emergency and most often occurs when the victim is intoxicated or sleeping. A battery-operated carbon monoxide alarm could save your family members' lives. (Be sure to go with an option with a battery backup because you are most likely to need this bug in essential when the power is out.)

If someone shows the symptoms listed above, get them out into fresh air and seek emergency medical assistance.

People playing cards during an emergency power outage

Something to Do

Any parent will tell you, a child with nothing to do will make everyone else miserable right along with them. Many young people (and adults too) are absolutely addicted to their devices in this digital world. There are two ways to deal with this. First, you can have backup ways to charge phones, iPads, and laptops. There are solar chargers and battery banks, as just two examples.

Alternatively, you can pull the plug and use this as an opportunity to provide other options for entertainment. (The horror!) The following bug in essentials will make your time hunkering down far more pleasant. A lot of these are good for both children and adults.

  • Board games
  • Cards
  • Lego
  • Puzzles (both picture puzzles and puzzle books)
  • Books
  • Art
  • Coloring
  • Crafts
  • Needlework
  • Playing outside if it's safe
  • Print off some lyrics and make songbooks for family sing-alongs
  • Bug In Movie Night: Download some favorite movies (or get DVDs) to watch on a fully charged laptop. Be sure to cuddle up and have popcorn along with it.

It can help to have some new (or new to them) toys and books your kids have never seen to add a little bit of novelty to the situation. As well, don't just think about keeping the kids occupied. Adults need something to do also.

Keep supplies for fun treats on hand to bring some fun to your day.


It can make a power outage a lot more fun if treats are involved. For example, if you are using your fireplace to stay warm, be sure to have marshmallows and smores supplies stocked. Have some goodies that aren't part of your normal diet.

Don't overindulge, though – having an upset stomach will take a situation from bad to worse really quickly. If your oven is working, then you can kill two birds with one stone. You can bust boredom by getting your kids to help you bake some goodies like homemade cookies, bread, or cake. It's always tastier when you've made it yourself!

Comfort Items

During stressful situations, it can help to have certain comfort items. What you choose will be different based on your family.

Things that can keep stress levels down are very important. While you may disagree with the use of the following, if you have a family member who indulges regularly, an emergency is no time to make them go cold turkey.

  • Cigarettes
  • Drugs for anxiety (prescription or otherwise)
  • Alcohol

It's essential during an emergency not to indulge in any of the above to the point where you can't function if your situation worsens.

What Bug In Essentials Do You Keep on Hand?

Did we miss anything on our list? Do you have any items beyond the basics that you consider bug in essentials? Please share them in the comments, and let's talk about bugging in!

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