What Should You Check Before Choosing a Firearm for Hunting?
Are you thinking about hunting and wondering what should you check before choosing a firearm for hunting? Choosing the right firearm for hunting can be difficult. There are many factors to consider, such as knowledge and ability, hunting preferences, and budget. That’s why I’ve put together this guide on what should you check before choosing…
Read More7 Best Solar Generators for Off-Grid Living (2023)
Are you looking for a way to be sustainable off the grid? Knowing the best Solar generator for off-grid living along with some of the basics of solar-powered generators may be the perfect solution for you. Solar generators are becoming more and more popular as people search for ways to become more independent by reducing…
Read MoreEveryday Carry Essentials: Beginner’s EDC Guide (2023)
You never know when emergencies will happen that require you to be prepared with your everyday carry essentials. Daily life can turn from happy and fun to disastrous and deadly in the blink of an eye. When that happens, all you will have to face a possibly fatal situation are your wits and the gear…
Read MoreA Single Mom’s Perspective on Prepping (2022)
As a single mom, when I say I am a prepper to non-preppers, they immediately think I am automatically a crazy Doomsday Prepper. But when did it become wrong for a person to want to prepare for the unknown, civil unrest, and inflation steamrolling us as we speak? I Choose I choose to prepare because…
Read More7 Best Ways: How to Sharpen a Knife Without a Sharpener
Knives are an essential part of every preparedness-minded person’s gear. Therefore, it’s vital to know how to sharpen a knife without a sharpener. This article will provide an overview of how to sharpen knives using everyday objects that you may have in an emergency. How Knives Go Dull and How to Prevent It It is…
Read MoreHow to Prepare for a Hurricane: A Prepper’s Guide
Hurricanes are one of the few natural disasters that give us several days of warning before unleashing their fury. Believe it or not, some people still wait until the last minute instead of spending that time getting ready for a hurricane. Then they wonder why they can’t find supplies. Of course, if you were one…
Read MoreWhat Is Solar Maximum, and Why Should I Care?
Are you prepared for the solar maximum? The solar maximum is a time during the solar cycle when we see a spike in solar flares. These flares can cause blackouts, communication disruptions, and other forms of chaos. It’s essential to be prepared for this event so that you can stay safe and protect your family.…
Read More10+ Best Hidden Gun Storage Ideas with VIDEOS! (2023)
Are you looking for some hidden gun storage ideas? Hidden gun storage is the perfect way to keep your firearms safe and secure. You can hide them in plain sight, making them inaccessible to children or thieves. With a hidden gun storage solution, you can rest easy knowing your guns are out of harm’s way.…
Read MoreWhat to Do if You’re Caught in a Riot
It doesn’t really matter where you’re at these days. The world is a tinderbox. One minute you’re spending a nice afternoon window shopping, and the next minute, all hell is breaking loose. Do you know what to do if you’re caught in a riot? Civil unrest is becoming a more frequent occurrence, often organized via…
Read MoreThe Best Dehydrator – 15 Best Dehydrator Reviews (2023)
Are you looking for the best dehydrators as a way to stretch your food dollar while preparing for hard times? A dehydrator is a great way to do just that! Dehydrating your food helps preserve its nutrients and flavor while making it easier to store and transport. Plus, it’s fun to experiment with new recipes.…
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