What Are Preppers Prepping For?
Did you ever stop to wonder, what are preppers prepping for? Is it the zombie apocalypse? A world gone Mad Max? A giant meteor? A supervolcano? The truth is, if you ask what are preppers prepping for, you will get hundreds of answers. But they nearly all boil down to the following reasons. What Are…
Read More7 Best Survival Spears for Hunting and SHTF (2023)
Survival spears are an excellent survival tool for any preparedness-minded person. You can use a survival spear for hunting tools, fishing, and self-defense. This article will review the best survival spears on the market. Get your best survival spear now! What are the Best Survival Spears? 1. REAPR 11003 Steel Survival Tactical Throwing Spear The REAPR…
Read More7 Best Ways How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener
You’re hungry. You’re tired. It’s late, and all you can scrounge up from the back of a forgotten shelf is a couple of dusty cans of franks and beans, but you don’t have a can opener. Not only is it frustrating not to have a can opener when you need one, but it’s also challenging…
Read MoreWhat if They’re Wrong Featuring Jeremiah Dorph
In this week’s episode, I speak with Jeremiah Dorph of the “What if They’re Wrong” podcast. Join us as we talk about Jeremiah’s near-death experience (NDE) and how that led him down the conspiracy and paranormal rabbit hole. Updated show notes coming soon! Stay safe, ShareTweetPinEmail
Read MoreWhat Is Readiness? A Calm, Rational, Prepared State of Mind
Preparedness is defined as “the quality or state of being prepared.” When I hear that word and definition, I think more in terms of physical items and stockpiles. But another term you hear in this community is “readiness.” What is readiness in comparison to preparedness? What Is Readiness? I see readiness more as a state…
Read MoreThe Best Emergency Sleeping Bag | Reviews and Guide (2023)
You can die in a few hours without adequate protection from the elements. That’s where preparedness, which includes an emergency sleeping bag, comes in handy. Emergency sleeping bags can mean the difference between life and death and are an essential piece of gear for any emergency kit. There are two options for emergency sleeping bags:…
Read MoreBest Bugging In Guide – Mindset, Gear, & Supplies (2023)
In these difficult times, with a deepening financial crisis, worsening supply chain disruptions, escalating tensions between nuclear-armed superpowers, and millions of average citizens feeling upset, disregarded, and taken advantage of, the time is now to double down on your efforts to prepare your home and family for the possibility of bugging in. When it comes…
Read MoreMindset Monday: Bad Tech & Hard Times
More and more, bad tech and hard times seem to be going hand in hand. In recent weeks, cybersecurity has been headlined in the news. Hackers, especially Russian hackers, have become a concern for America’s critical infrastructure. Our banking system, our electrical grid, our water system… we are a vulnerable country. The government has issued…
Read MoreEmergency Binders: What Should Preppers Put in Them?
You may have heard preppers talking about emergency binders. But what are they, exactly, and what goes into them? Read on to learn all about emergency binders! What Are Emergency Binders? Lots of preppers have emergency binders, and they’re one of the most practical and useful preps that you can make. Better yet, they’re free…
Read More7 Best Throwing Knives to Hit Your Target (2023)
The best throwing knives can be an essential part of any survivor’s self-defense capability. With the correct blade in your hand, you can defend yourself from attackers or take out targets from a distance. Finding the best throwing knives for your needs can be a daunting task. With so many different blades on the market,…
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