Posts by Brian Duff
157: Building Your Circle of Trust with the Roaming Prepper
In this episode with Pete, host of The Roaming Prepper YouTube channel, we discuss what to look for when considering bringing someone into your circle of trust. Adding people to your inner circle can have great upsides and significant downsides for your personal life, job, etc. Therefore, any search for or potential addition to your…
Read MoreFail-Safe Prepping: Why ‘Two is One, One is None’
If you’ve read any survival magazine, listened to any preparedness podcast, or watched any readiness-focused YouTube channel, you’re sure to have heard the two is one, and one is none mantra repeated time and time again. And, while on the surface, it’s a solid mindset to have when considering your preparedness, it’s more in-depth than…
Read More156: Control What You Can Control with Trent McMurray
Trent of the Vision Preparedness YouTube channel is here to discuss his video “You can only control what you can control.” Seems obvious, right? Yes, and it’s something I know I’m not always good at—and as a prepper, should be. Trent learned that lesson watching people struggle during Hurricane Katrina. And those struggles, combined with…
Read More**Best Survival Books** (My Personal Survival Book Reviews)
Since you’re here, you’re like me and searching for the best survival books to add to your survival and preparedness knowledge library. And, if you’re like me, you’re searching for something other than fake and lame reviews. If you’re searching for a good review of survival books, you’ve come to the right place because all…
Read More155: Wound Care with Lisa Goodwin
In this episode, Lisa Goodwin (a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in nursing and certifications in advanced wound care) and I discuss wound care. That’s because wound care, in my opinion, is one of the most overlooked aspects of preparedness medicine. Think about the major natural disasters that you’ve seen. What do they…
Read More154: The Five Golden Rules of Preparedness with Casey Telger
Casey Telger of and I discuss Casey’s Five Golden Rules of Preparedness in this episode. Casey’s Five Golden Rules of Preparedness are organic—growing from Casey’s personal preparedness journey. These are rules that apply to preparedness regardless of the situation. According to Casey, “You can’t skirt them. They are foundational elements of everyone’s journey.” 1.…
Read MoreHow to Be a Prepper: 11-Step Guide to Prepping Success
Being a prepper is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for an emergency. How would your family survive a disaster if they didn’t have any food, water, or shelter? How about when society collapses, and there are no more stores to buy supplies from? The best way to be prepared…
Read More153: Family Prepping: Comforts vs. Wants with Morgan
In today’s episode, Morgan (Rogue Preparedness) and I discuss her family’s move to Alaska and what homesteading in Alaska was like. Then we get into comforts versus wants and how many preppers’ primary plan is to suck rather than plan to thrive. Morgan likes to say, “Our needs are our wants, and our wants are…
Read More152: Top 4 Prepping Concerns for 2023 with Dale Goodwin
In today’s episode, Dale and I discuss what we see as the four most concerning situations for 2023. These four scenarios to prepare for in 2023 are: Economy / Supply Chain Issues The economy is a definite concern moving into 2023. In our opinion, it requires that people plan that the economy is going to…
Read More151: Realistic Prepping with Jim Cobb
In this episode, Jim Cobb (Real World Prepping) and I discuss Realistic Prepping and Jim’s new book Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide: 2nd Edition. Realistic Prepping is something many preppers struggle with. For example, many preppers worry more about an unlikely nuclear apocalypse than the far more likely job loss with follow-on financial hardship. Regardless of…
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