Posts by Brian Duff
106: How to Prevent Heat Illness
Knowing how to prevent heat illness can do more than save you in the short term – it can also prevent long-term heat-related issues. Did you know that nearly 1,000 people die each year due to heat-related illnesses? Not to mention, tens of thousands of people who suffer from heat-related injuries sometimes have issues for…
Read More105: How to Get Over Procrastination and Get Things Done
Do you have a list of things to do, but you’re sitting there watching YouTube (or reading this blog) and eating a snack? Do you put things off – sometimes until it’s too late? Would you like to know how to get over procrastination and finally get things done? Read on. What is Procrastination? To…
Read More104: Ben Franklin’s Best Prepper Quotes
Founding Father Ben Franklin was sharing prepper quotes well before anyone ever thought of a term like “prepper.” His wisdom has held true throughout centuries, and so much of it relates to just thinking ahead. Some of My Favorite Ben Franklin Prepper Quotes Had I listened to Ben Franklin’s words of wisdom, I may have…
Read More103: Lessons from the Scofield Coal Mine Disaster
Let’s reach back in history, going all the way back to talk about the Scofield Coal Mine Disaster, which occurred on May 1st of 1900 in Utah. One of the greatest parts about being a prepper today is the ability to look back in history at previous disasters to see what happened and what went wrong.…
Read More99: How to Create Your Best Daily Routine
Creating your own best daily routine is incredibly helpful in finding more free time to do the things you LIKE to do. Daily routines also help increase your confidence and overall satisfaction with yourself and your day. Establishing the best daily routine for you can be accomplished in four easy steps: Finding Your Motivation Deciding…
Read MoreM4S 098: 8 Tips for Wearing Disposable Nitrile Examination Gloves
As a long-time paramedic, wearing disposable nitrile examination gloves is an essential part of my Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and has been since 1987-1988. That is when, in my experience, EMS agencies in Southern California began “allowing” people to wear gloves in response to the HIV-AIDS epidemic. Before that, EMTs and Paramedics often got bloody…
Read More95: What Does Trust Mean When It Comes to Preparedness?
What Does Trust Mean When It Relates to Preparedness? Trust is both earned and given, and it is an integral part of how we approach the world and our interactions. That is especially true during times of crisis. Because it is so essential, in this episode, I break down and define the levels of trust we…
Read More90: Stories from a Truck Bug Out Vehicle
Well, I did it. I up and bugged out. Why did I load up my truck bug out vehicle with as much as I could stuff in it and get out of Dodge? I hooked up that oldish trailer and bugged out for a number of reasons: Testing out the whole bugging out thing (evacuating…
Read More89: Yep, I’m a Crazy Prepper
I’m a crazy prepper who now more than ever wishes he had a hidden bunker with 10 years of food stockpiled and ready to go. Maybe filled with video games and movies. But seriously, yes, I consider myself a prepper. Actually, I embrace the term because I find it tragically humorous that many in modern…
Read MoreSMART Goal Setting
SMART goal setting is an excellent technique for effectively setting and meeting our goals. Setting SMART goals is especially helpful for people whose goals focus on overcoming life’s challenges. The truth is improving your life and the lives of those around you is usually worthwhile. Fortunately for preparedness-minded people, there’s a method of improving oneself…
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