86: Your State of Readiness Starts NOW

Maintaining a state of readiness is vital to your situational awareness

A lot of people believe that when disaster strikes, they’ll immediately shift into survival mode and face the challenges. But that’s the wrong way to look at it. Your state of readiness starts NOW. Your state of readiness should be a part of you at all times. Readiness is not just something you slip on…

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84: Risk Assessment Principles and Threat Mitigation

Use these risk assessment principles to mitigate your most significant threats.

There are some very basic risk assessment principles that will help you to identify potential problems, manage your risk profile, and mitigate your most significant threats. Now many of you may be asking, well, what’s a risk profile? Your risk profile is all the stuff that identifies the threats to which you and your family,…

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Survival Slingshot Review: Does It Live Up to the Hype?

Lastly… Never forget, you’re just one prep away. If you have any other thoughts or questions about severe storms, please leave a comment below. Stay safe, secure and prepared, Thanks for reading severe storms! To carry on the discussion and ask questions: Leave a note in the comments below. Share Mind4Survival on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Leave a voice message by clicking on the “Record a Voice Message” tab over on the right side of your screen. To help out Mind4Survival: Subscribe on iTunes or through your preferred podcasting app. Leave an honest rating or review on iTunes. They help and make a difference. Like the Mind4Survival Facebook page.

Are you looking for a zombie-slaying, deer-killing, defensive weapon system? If you are, the Survival Slingshot might be a total solution for you. Their motto, “Bring a tool, not a toy!” is a strong statement when it comes to survival. However, does it bring enough to the table to be trusted in a survival setting?…

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Should You Bug Out or Bug In? It Depends…

Factors to consider for bugging out or bugging in

Bug out or bug in? That is the eternal prepper question. When it comes to your decision to hunker down or evacuate, the work happens before the emergencies occur. The preparation for multiple possibilities is paramount. Many preppers combine a mix of bugging in and bugging out, but at what point do you make a…

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How to Whitelist Mind4Survival


How to Whitelist Mind4Survival wants to help make sure your emails are getting delivered to you! In order to help ensure the proper delivery of emails to your inbox, you can add senders of legitimate emails to your Whitelist, also called the Approved or Safe Sender list. Click below to view instructions on how to…

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Dehydration Facts: Everything You Need to Know

Everything you need to know to avoid becoming dehydrated

Dehydration Facts: What is Dehydration? One of the most important dehydration facts is that it is a state in which your body has water and fluid imbalance. Dehydration happens for many reasons but ultimately occurs when your body cannot retain enough water and other fluids (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Not having adequate fluid levels in your…

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M4S 081: Safe Online Shopping Tips to Avoid Scams

Learn important tips to avoid online shopping scams

These safe online shopping tips can help you to avoid scams. Online shopping frauds are becoming more and more common. Imagine how you’d feel if you bought something on the internet, only to find out after forking over your hard-earned money that the whole thing was a scam? I know I’d be steamed! Safe Online…

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Calculating Your Daily Water Consumption Needs

Calculate how much water you will need each day to survive

Today’s question about daily water consumption comes to us from Jason in VA.  Jason writes: Hi Brian, I listened to the Water Storage podcast yesterday. It was really good. I wanted to get your opinion on my water storage. We have a household of 5. I have built up to 20 cases of water along…

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What Does Safety Third Mean?

Crab boat fisherman in a storm

What would you say if I asked you, “What does safety third mean?” After all, shouldn’t it be the number one thing for all of us? It seems like that is common sense, right? The answer to those questions and the meaning of putting safety in third is yes, no, and it depends. What is Meant by…

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77: Long-Term Water Storage for Emergencies

Don't overlook long term water storage!

Long-term water storage isn’t a glamorous topic. It’s sure not as interesting as debates on gun calibers and freeze-dried foods. But long-term water storage should actually be one of your number one preparedness concerns.  Why Should You Think About Long-Term Water Storage? Without clean drinking water, human life expectancy drops to around three days. Most…

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