Posts by Brian Duff
M4S 076: How Does Phishing Work? How to Identify a Scam
Have you ever gotten an email, and you weren’t sure whether it was real or a scam? Maybe you’ve heard about the scams to get people’s passwords and wondered, “How does phishing work?” Do you know how to identify phishing emails? I have, and as a matter of fact, I received one today. I…
Read MoreInventions of World War 1 That Influenced the World
Have you ever looked at an item that you use almost daily and wondered about its history? It turns out, a lot of things we use every day were inventions of World War 1. The Inventions of World War 1 Here are six inventions of World War 1 in particular that have had a significant…
Read MoreThe History of Disaster Prepping
Disaster prepping is nothing new. Did you know that disaster prepping and getting ready for potential hard times date back to the beginning of human history? Disaster Prepping from Ancient Times to 1900 All we need to do to see the importance of preparedness is to look to the story of Noah and his family…
Read More071: The Fundamentals of Realistic Prepping
Do you ever get frustrated trying to explain the fundamentals of preparedness to people? Shows like Doomsday Preppers have done us a bit of a disservice because it shows the extremes, rather than realistic prepping for everyday people like you and me. What Is Emergency Preparedness When working to understand something, it’s usually best, to…
Read More70: What Are Your Personal Risk Assessment Components?
Often one of the first steps to becoming more safe and secure includes performing an evaluation of your risk assessment components, which consists of assessing both your home and personal risk. This sets the stage for managing any potential threats to your safety. The truth is, at some point, many of us have had it…
Read MoreHow to Get Inside a Criminal Mind to Stop a Bad Guy
The reality is that once you begin thinking with a criminal mind, you’ll be better prepared to stop a bad guy. The lesson of thinking like a criminal took hold with me during my time providing diplomatic security in places such as Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere. When I say diplomats, I am speaking about protecting…
Read MoreHow to Stay Informed with Google Keywords Alerts
Hey Survivors, this post is to help you stay informed with Google keywords alerts. When you do stay informed with Google keywords alerts, you’ll find yourself less likely to be taken by surprise and ready to face the problems of the world. Google keywords alerts are designed so that you can stay informed about the…
Read More68: What Is a Home Invasion?
To best understand how to prevent them, you need to answer the question, “What IS a home invasion?” Understanding the home invasion process can help you to improve your strategies for preventing them. Home invasions target you, your home, and your family and are sadly becoming more common. However, due to a variety of reasons,…
Read More67: Are Preppers Crazy? How to Overcome the Stereotype
What often stops people from taking preparedness seriously is the question, “Are preppers crazy?” It’s that very question that also drives people within the preparedness community nuts. After all, especially with 2020 in the review mirror, does preparing for challenging times and unforeseen difficulties sound crazy? Unfortunately, when it comes to answering the question of…
Read More66: Hurricane Preparedness Tips to Survive the Storm
With hurricane season headed our way, I wanted to share some hurricane preparedness tips to help you get ready ahead of time. Many of these tips apply to any severe storm. We see the same stories of hurricanes and major storms repeat themselves time and time again. Despite the loss of life and massive damage…
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