Risk Management: How-to Manage Risks Made Easy
I received a question from a longtime friend of the show, Sheri Martin. Sheri asked: “How does one plan for SHTF with a balanced approach when everything seems most important? I always seem to get hyper-focused on one area at the expense of other important areas.” Sheri, the short answer is Risk Management. The long answer…
Read MoreIt’s Time To Ditch Your Dryer! Why You Should Be Line-Drying
I’ve been line-drying clothes for years. When I had babies and toddlers, I dried their cloth diapers outside whenever the weather permitted. Sunshine kills all kinds of germs, and when cloth diapering, germ-killing without irritating chemicals like bleach is really important. When my oldest child was a toddler, we took a trip to northern Europe…
Read MoreThe Top 10 Prepper Skills to PRACTICE Before You Need Them
Lots of people talk about the skills they plan to use when an emergency strikes. But what they don’t think about is that some skills are perishable and some require experience if you want to be truly competent. Today I want to talk about the top 10 prepper skills that should be practiced well before…
Read MorePrepping for Industrial Disasters
Industrial disasters have been in the news lately. I don’t think they’ve been given the attention they deserve, but those of us paying attention know about the accidents in Texas, Arizona, and of course, Ohio. I’m not going to speculate on whether or not these incidents are connected, but as someone living near train tracks,…
Read More159: Nature Reliance with Craig Caudill
Craig Caudill of Nature Reliance School is here to discuss a host of topics on how to succeed not only in nature and preparedness but also in life. Craig’s an outdoor survival educator, author, podcaster, master naturalist, and extreme wilderness survival practitioner who brings his lifelong love of the outdoors to his students and Nature…
Read MoreHow to Survive a Tsunami | Guide & Tips (2023)
The threat of tsunamis is real. As the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami, shows, if you live near or plan on visiting the beach, you should be prepared to act in the event of a tsunami. When facing a tsunami, or any disaster, the first step is to arm…
Read More12 Barter Skills for Preppers
We’ve talked about items to store for trade when the SHTF, but only briefly touched on important barter skills. The great thing about using our skills as currency is that we have a never-ending ability to continue making transactions. What Kind of Barter Skills Are Worthwhile? Many different skills can be used for barter but…
Read More158: The Instructor with Tim T.R. Hendricks
Tim T.R. Hendricks is here to discuss his experiences as a tank platoon leader, turned intel officer, turned security professional, and everything that led to his new book, The Instructor, which is available now for pre-order on Amazon. In this episode, Tim opens up about his tumultuous experiences during and following the Iraq war, along…
Read MoreMeat Storage for When There Is No Freezer
Between grocery store inflation and a big media push for regular people to eat less meat, many concerned citizens are looking to shore up their food supplies, particularly natural sources of protein. More people than ever are starting their own backyard flocks of meat birds, but this isn’t practical for everyone. Neither is moving out…
Read MoreThe Best Army Poncho Liner | Woobie Guide & Review (2023)
One of the best pieces of kit for anyone who wants to stay comfortable and warm outdoors is the versatile army poncho liner. The ‘cho liner was a staple of my time in the military and one of the first items on every Ranger’s packing list. It was such a great piece of equipment that…
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