17: All About Disaster Mindset

Mentally prep for and learn all you can about disaster before it hits

Reader Sam Cook asked, “What is the number one low-cost thing people can do to prepare a better disaster mindset?” As most preppers know, survival is all about a disaster mindset, some good luck, and the right knowledge. (This is the second half of a two-part episode featuring Sam Bradley. The first half can be…

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M4S 015: Chris Weatherman Takes the Fiction Out of Prepping

Author Chris Weatherman gives advice on prepping

Ask anyone who’s into prepper fiction about their favorite author, and the chances are that Chris Weatherman (AKA Angery American) is high on their list. Chris Weatherman is not just a prolific author (check out his Angery American Amazon page here). He’s also the real deal when it comes to preparedness. In this interview, Chris Weatherman…

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14: Preparedness Training to Develop Your Mindset

Disaster gauge

The right kind of preparedness training can help you mentally prepare for dealing with stressful situations? Educate and train yourself ahead of time so you know what to do when an emergency strikes. By preparing in advance, you’ll be better able to physically and mentally deal with stressful situations. What you need is a plan.…

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13: Weather Preparedness Is About More Than Storms

Weather preparedness is about more than just storms

Weather preparedness includes a whole lot more than just watching the forecasters on the evening news to figure out what you should wear the next day. Weather preparedness is a broad subject that includes understanding different types of weather events, forecasting, and events such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – and how all of these…

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M4S 011: Civilian Firearms Training and Mastering the Basics

Owning a gun is not enough. Attending firearms training is absolutely essential.

  The most important thing you can do when you decide to purchase a gun is to get the proper civilian firearms training. Just “having a gun” is not enough. Training from a proficient instructor will ensure you handle your weapon safely and accurately. Here are some of the concepts that an instructor should cover…

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10: How to Practice Situational Awareness

Man looking through hole in wall

Being extremely observant can seem like a superpower, but anyone can do it if they know how to practice situational awareness. Situational awareness is being aware of your surroundings and understanding what is happening within your environment. If you only focus on what is within your bubble, you won’t be aware of what is happening…

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What Are the Best Prepper Investments You Can Make?

Prepper investments include more than just money

Many people, especially those new to prepping, often wonder what the best prepper investments are? When they ask, they often get a wide array of answers. Sometimes those answers are constructive, but other times their responses are not helpful. We have to remember, though, that we were all new preppers at one point and offer…

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M4S 009: What Is Wilderness First Aid?

Wilderness First Aid knowledge is an essential skill for preppers.

  What is Wilderness First Aid? You may know regular first aid, but what is wilderness first aid? It’s a set of skills that will serve you well when medical help could be hours, or even days, away. Wilderness first aid requires a mindset of self-confidence, calmness under pressure, and the belief that you can…

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Everyday Carry On Kits for Air Travel

With a little planning, you can stay prepared, even when traveling by air

Since your normal EDC won’t work for air travel, you’ll need to make some adaptations to create an everyday carry-on kit that won’t get you tackled by the TSA. When traveling by air within the US, you should consider following a tiered everyday carry for air travel strategy. The tiered approach uses a stepped strategy…

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8: Disaster Medicine Basics

Grid down medicine is about more than just first-aid

When people hear the phrase disaster medicine, they generally envision a field hospital full of traumatic injuries. But disaster medicine is about a lot more than that. This could be all the medical care available for a long time after a major crisis, with no doctor in sight.  Disaster medicine isn’t just about first aid.…

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