What Are the Best Prepper Investments You Can Make?

Prepper investments include more than just money

Many people, especially those new to prepping, often wonder what the best prepper investments are?

When they ask, they often get a wide array of answers. Sometimes those answers are constructive, but other times their responses are not helpful. We have to remember, though, that we were all new preppers at one point and offer the best advice possible.

Questions About the Best Prepper Investments

One of the most important questions new preppers have is how to spend their money. Some of those questions are:

The questions go on, and on, and on.

And There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Question

Every one of the questions prepper novices ask is a great question.

When it comes to being prepared and trying to understand better, there are (almost) no stupid questions.  After all, the questions are essential because new preppers are often looking to improve their preparedness on a budget. That is a budget of both time and money. You want to focus both on the best prepper investments possible.

As is all too often the case, budgets are limited. Because of that, investing in the right preparedness items is crucial to success.

So, you’re thinking, “Okay Brian, I got it, but where is all of this going?”

All of this is going someplace. That place is right here with these points.

You’ve Already Started Making the Best Prepper Investments!

Everyone who is asking those questions has already made one of the best prepper investments possible.

They’ve invested in their mind.

They have committed their mind to become prepared. Spending time working on your preparedness mindset is one of the best prepper investments you can make.

Physical prepper investments to focus on are the things that keep you hydrated, fed, sheltered, and safe.

What Is the First Step?

Often, the first step is the hardest. Plus, in a society where people who prepare are regularly snickered at, that first step is even more difficult.

That first step is the most important of prepper investments because it’s the one that will lead you down the road to improved preparedness, survivability, and resiliency.

It’s the step that will help ensure you and your family are successful, where others may fail.

It is taking responsibility for your future and working to overcome life’s many challenges.

It’s not being a lemming on the road to disaster.

It is the best preparedness investment you can make.

It’s what sets you apart from so many others.

The Bottom Line on the Best Prepper Investments.

I feel privileged to be a member of this community with you. There’s nothing like being a member of a community full of good people who want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

So, congratulations!

Keep up the great work, and keep on preppin’! The best prepper investments are the ones you make every day as you resolve to face that day making your family better prepared.


Stay safe,


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Brian Duff

Brian's preparedness career began at sixteen and included professional roles as a lifeguard, firefighter, paramedic, Special Operations team leader with the 3rd Ranger Battalion, Diplomatic Protection Specialist, and international security director. He's managed medical clinics in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, provided high-threat diplomatic protection in Iraq and Pakistan, advised a rebel army in Africa, oversaw U.S. embassy security in Baghdad, and directed a premiere tactical medicine training facility. Brian is an expert in Security, Crisis Management, and Preparedness Mindset and hosts the Mind4Survival podcast. He holds a bachelor's degree in Security Management and an MBA in Information Technology Management.

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  1. Toby Smith on August 8, 2017 at 8:29 pm

    As a relatively new prepper I love your show. First of all you seem born to do this (podcast) because your voice and articulation are superb. I was made aware of your podcast thanks to a mention on Dale and Lisa’s show – and now I listen religiously. All of your podcasts are MUST listen for any prepper – and thank you for what you are doing. Please keep it going.

    • Brian Duff on August 9, 2017 at 9:24 pm

      Thank you so much for such leaving such a great comment! It’s my privilege to be a part of your prepping adventure.

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