64: Coping and Managing Stress with PTSD

Tips for managing stress or helping others cope

Coping and managing stress can be difficult during normal times. During a disaster or another stressful situation, the difficulty is even greater. And if one of the people dealing with the situation has PTSD, the need to manage this reaches an entirely different level. Now, while I’m not a therapist, I know a lot about…

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M4S 063: Six Safe Hiking Tips to Enjoy the Outdoors More

Well prepared hikers can minimize risks

If you enjoy spending time in the great outdoors, these safe hiking tips can help you enjoy it more. Do you know that, according to the CDC, the third most common source of injury in the wilderness is hiking, with only sledding and snowboarding being more likely to result in injury? Do you also know…

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060: How Do Phone Scams Work? Avoid Becoming a Victim

Everything you need to know about how do avoid being scammed over the phone

Originally published 7/28/2018. Updated 10/11/21. I want to start this post, How Do Phone Scams Work? Avoid Becoming a Victim, off with a little trivia. So, here’s your question. What costs 1 out of every 3 American adults an average of $502 each, totaling $29.8 billion per year? The answer is phone scams. How Do…

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M4S 059: 4 Prepping Tips Straight from The Art of War

The best prepping tips and lessons from the book, "The Art of War"

Have you ever looked at prepping tips through the eye of Sun Tzu and The Art of War? The wisdom of that book can apply to many different scenarios, including prepping. This post will discuss prepping tips that are a repeating theme in Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War. If you’ve been prepping for more…

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58: Coaching Others How to Be a Prepper

Coaching others how to be a prepper can be an extremely rewarding experience

This article is on how to coach others to be a prepper. If you listened to last week’s episode #57, “How to Convince Someone to Prepare,” you’ll know that I touched on a couple of things to do when working on getting a friend or relative into being prepared. One of those “to-dos” is coaching…

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57: Convincing Someone to Be Prepared for Emergencies

A man and woman arm wrestling

How many of you know people who are totally opposed to preparedness? Are you frustrated with trying to convince them to be prepared for emergencies? Do you know people, maybe family and friends, the minute you speak about preparedness, shut you down and don’t want to hear about it? If you’re like most preppers, you…

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56: Bug Out Bag Packing List – The Top 10 Items to Have

Top ten items you should have in your bug-out-bag

One discussion that often heats a prepper conversation is what you should be on your bug-out bag packing list. Most often, it’s one opinion versus another, then another, and so on until the conversation melts down. Pretty much everyone has a different idea of the perfect bug-out bag packing list. Today I want to share…

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M4S 053: What Is the Emergency Alert System? Is It Accurate?

Is the emergency alert system always accurate?

What is the emergency alert system? Some residents of Salem, Oregon, found out a couple of years ago, and they also learned that it doesn’t always have the desired effect. Now, if you’re like me, it’s somewhat satisfying when something happens that shows that all of our crazy prepping efforts aren’t so crazy after all.…

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M4S 050: Five Ways to Make Quick Money

Here are five ways for preppers to make quick money.

  Knowing ways to make quick money is an essential prep for lean times.  With financially difficult times possibly looming on the horizon, the ability to make quick money may be more critical now than ever before.  In light of the rough times that may be ahead, can you name five ways how to earn cash fast?…

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48: Summer Preparedness Activities for Fun and Survival

Summer provides many opportunities for survival training

Woo-hoo! Summer is almost about here, and so is the need for summer preparedness!  I‘m sure most of you are over winter, but how many of you have thought about preparing for the summer? Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), after spending over a decade in the Middle East, I know…

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