Best Tips How to Survive a Volcanic Eruption

Mind4Survival explores preparing for a volcanic eruption

The Earth is constantly roaring and rumbling. Every once in a while, it explodes, too. Two of history’s most terrifying volcanic eruptions took place in the month of August, making it a perfect time to learn more about how to survive a volcanic eruption. Though not the most powerful in history (that record belongs to…

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The Importance of Camping

Camping is a great way to practice survival skills

What is the one activity that best prepares you for any survival situation? I think that the answer is camping. If you are getting involved in anything survival-related, this is the one task that I believe gives you the most value out of the time invested. This is why. For Starters, Camping Teaches You How…

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How Do You Contain an Artificial Intelligence?

How long until artificial intelligence is too smart for its own good?

Virtually all artificial intelligence theorists agree: it’s only a matter of time until a superintelligent, sentient AI is created. That may not seem like a huge issue, but as Nick Bostrom has laid out in his book Superintelligence, there are several inherent dangers with this potentiality. What if it’s an evil AI? Will AI decide…

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146: The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Police drone flying

When people think of the term ‘artificial intelligence,’ or AI, they tend to get stuck on the notion of a super-human robot akin to what we see in Will Smith’s I, Robot. But, the fact is that artificial intelligence is already all around you. There is a distinct difference between superintelligence and artificial intelligence, which…

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Home Preparedness

Are you ready for disaster? Time to practice your skills!

Training preparedness at home is an effective and accessible way to develop resiliency, self-reliance, and many other skills that can be useful in case of disasters, emergencies, and events that may knock the grid down. Mind4Survival gets it covered with some ideas to increase your homestead preparation level. I’ve always been a big proponent of…

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145: Prepping for People With Disabilities

Wheel Chair at Pit

I was asked about my thoughts on prepping for people with disabilities. And after thinking about it, I believe that prepping can always be approached from the same foundational way. By following my simple system of preparedness, a person will be able to effectively assess their situation, create a preparedness plan, and begin leveling up…

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What is a Burner Phone? Best Definition, Why, and How-To FAQ

Burner Phone

Are you wondering what burner phones are? Well, wonder no more because this article will cover the what, why, and how of burner phones. I have over a decade of experience using burners overseas when using burner phones mattered. Have you ever had a hostile foreign intelligence agent tell you, “they’re watching you”? I have,…

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What is SHTF Like? Real-Life Examples & Survival Tips

Mind4Survival's in-depth interview with Selco Begovic, SHTF survivor.

Many people have preconceived ideas about what is SHTF that are based on fantasy, lack of experience, and misconceptions. And, it’s those misconceptions, if not prepared for and corrected, that will lead to their struggle, suffering, and in many cases, death when the shit hits the fan. Fortunately for everyone, there are survivors alive today…

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Why Prepare? 7 Reasons You Should Be Prepping

A woman going over her preparedness supplies.

As preparedness-minded people, we prepare for opportunities. Yes, we prepare for hard times that many see as being Doom and Gloom. After all, it’s not like the show “Doomsday Preppers” has the most cheerful name. Sadly, because the mainstream media promoted a negative opinion of people who prepare, many people now avoid preparing. They do…

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