Why Do Preppers Prep? Because You May Be the Only One Who Is

Reasons why preppers prep

So, Why Do Preppers Prep?

A lot of folks wonder, “Why do preppers prep?” After all, the city, state, and federal governments will help us, right?  Maybe our neighbors will help us, right? Sure, our government and friends may help us.

Then again, perhaps not. Perhaps they, too, are overcome by the same events we find ourselves stuck in.

If so, then what?

The answer to that “what” is the reason to be prepared.  We should be ready because we may be the only people who can care for ourselves or others during a crisis.

Tragedy Will Overcome Everyone?

No, far from it. Many of us may never personally experience a disaster, be the victim of crime, become severely injured, etc.

Hopefully, that includes you!

However, before auto insurance became mandatory, most people paid for it anyway.  Did most people expect to be involved in a wreck, much less a serious wreck?  No, most people bought it on the chance of the “what if.”

“I’m a great driver and will never cause an accident, but what if…?”

“I never get sick, nor need to see the doctor, but what if…?”

The what if’s can go on and on.  The answer to why do preppers prep is, quite simply, “what if?”.

History Shows Officials Also Fail in Preparedness

Take this event in Montreal, Canada, or this one on I-70 in Colorado, for example.  In Montreal, 300 vehicles were stranded overnight during a massive snowstorm.  During the event in Colorado, 200 people found themselves stuck for hours on I-70.

What do both of these events have in common besides the snow and a highway of stranded motorists?

Both of these areas, Montreal and Colorado, are very familiar with heavy snowstorms.  Both have public safety agencies geared towards ensuring the safety of travelers during winter storms.

Regardless of why people were left stranded and who, if anyone is at fault, one fact remains.  That point is people were stranded despite the systems designed to ensure people don’t get stranded.

So while there are systems in place to help us, we can't always rely on those systems. And that's one of the biggest reasons prepared people give when asked why do preppers prep. Sometimes they get taken by surprise by Mother Nature, overwhelmed by the volume of people who need help, or they simply didn't plan well enough.

Why Do Preppers Prep? So They Can Help Others

That's just what 18-year-old Kaela Eads discovered.  Kaela, who learned CPR in school, launched into action when a mom holding a lifeless little boy ran up.  Kaela, prepared with her CPR skills, jumped in, performed CPR, and saved the boy’s life.

Just imagine how the mom felt.  Now imagine how Kaela felt and how much confidence she must now have.  The time and effort certainly paid off. Even if Kaela is (hopefully) the only person in her class ever to use CPR, it paid off.

After Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, many people jumped in to help others – and they could do so because they were prepared. Daisy Luther shared some of those stories:

Members of the Cajun Navy resuscitated an elderly woman found floating face-down in the flood water. As they were guiding their boat down a waterway that was formerly a road, three volunteers realized that what they initially thought was debris was an elderly woman. They jumped in and began resuscitating her in the water, saving her life. They were able to reunite her with her family and say she is doing well. This isn’t the first time that the Cajun Navy has thrown themselves wholeheartedly into a rescue effort, and Houston is welcoming their contributions…

Some employees who were stranded at a bakery by the flood made bread for hungry survivors. The bakers were stuck at the bakery for two days, but instead of being idle, they worked all night long to make hundreds of loaves of pan dulce bread to help nourish fellow flood victims.

One of the best answers to the question “why do preppers prep” is demonstrated above – so they can help others!

The Bottom Line on Why Do Preppers Prep?

Whether we are prepared to be stranded in a snowstorm, know what to do during a power outage, or how to give CPR, we should all be prepared to take decisive action.  Being ready means taking a little bit of time to help prevent severe events from becoming tragic.  Being prepared means taking the initiative to learn to help yourself, and in so doing, have the ability to help others along the way.

Any way you slice it, those are great reasons to get up, get going and be better prepared.

Do you have any thoughts on the question, why do preppers prep? Do you have any examples of how being prepped allowed you to help others? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


Stay safe,


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Brian Duff

Brian's preparedness career began at sixteen and included professional roles as a lifeguard, firefighter, paramedic, Special Operations team leader with the 3rd Ranger Battalion, Diplomatic Protection Specialist, and international security director. He's managed medical clinics in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, provided high-threat diplomatic protection in Iraq and Pakistan, advised a rebel army in Africa, oversaw U.S. embassy security in Baghdad, and directed a premiere tactical medicine training facility. Brian is an expert in Security, Crisis Management, and Preparedness Mindset and hosts the Mind4Survival podcast. He holds a bachelor's degree in Security Management and an MBA in Information Technology Management.

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