Protective Intelligence for Preparedness Featuring Chris Story

Learn how protective intelligence can help with your preparedness plan
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Protective Intelligence is a process of identifying, assessing, and managing risks to a business or individual. This includes both preventative and reactive measures.

You may be wondering why you should invest in Protective Intelligence. After all, you’re not a business or government institution – you’re just a regular person. But there are several reasons why it is important for individuals as well. Here are a few:

  • You never know when bad people or hard times might impact you.
  • Protective Intelligence helps you protect your family, assets, information, and reputation.
  • A good Protective Intelligence mindset can help you achieve the two preparedness goals, minimize your unwanted struggle and survive.

So Protective Intelligence is not just for businesses – it’s for everyone. If you’re interested in protecting yourself, your family, and your assets, then Protective Intelligence is something you should consider.

With that, I’m going to cover five points about Protective Intelligence.

1. The Importance of Protective Intelligence

Protective Intelligence (PI) is an essential part of any preparedness mindset. It can help people protect themselves from risk that results in harm.

2. What Is Protective Intelligence and Why Do You Need It?

Protective Intelligence is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing risks for you and your loved ones and the situations that arise with the people you have some input in and feel some level of responsibility for.

3. How to Get Started With Your Protective Intelligence Program

How to Get Started With Your Protective Intelligence ProgramThere are a few steps you can take to get started:

  1. Identify your risks
  2. Assess the risks
  3. Put in place preventative measures
  4. Create a response plan
  5. Train and educate others

Always remember this is an ongoing process. You should make sure to review and update your situation and the knowledge of your situation, along with your risks, on an ongoing and regular basis.

Over time, this process will, in many aspects, become second nature. As you are all humans with your individual lives experiences, you probably do this on at least a basic level. Now, you just need to hone it a bit.

4. Tips for Making the Most Out of a Protective Intelligence Program

Here are a few tips for making the most out of Protective Intelligence

Here are a few tips for making the most out of Protective Intelligence:

  • Keep your mindset open, fluid, and adaptable.
  • Use multiple sources of information.
  • Always question and verify your information.
  • Focus on risk reduction

5. What Is the Future of Protective Intelligence?

The future is uncertain, and Protective Intelligence is likely to become even more critical in the years to come. Businesses need to be prepared for any threat that comes their way.

The Bottom Line of Protective Intelligence

Protective Intelligence is an integral part of any preparedness mindset. It can help people protect themselves from risk that results in harm.

Protective Intelligence helps you protect your family, assets, information, and reputation.

A good Protective Intelligence mindset can help you achieve the two goals of preparedness – minimize your unwanted struggle and survive.

If you’re interested in protecting yourself, your family, and your assets, then Protective Intelligence is something you should consider, and that’s precisely what this podcast episode is going to focus on.

Additional Resources:


Stay safe,

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Protective Intelligence for Preparedness Featuring Chris Story

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